Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
William Butler Yeats
itzulpena: Juan Kruz Igerabide
2022, poesia
64 orrialde
William Butler Yeats
Poesia kaiera
William Butler Yeats
itzulpena: Juan Kruz Igerabide
2022, poesia
64 orrialde


Zeru hotza


Tupustean, beleek atsegin duten zeru hotza ikusi nuen;

izotz errea zirudien, hots, izotzagoa are, eta, ondorioz,

imajinazioa eta bihotza hain bortizki erakarri zizkidan, non,

hari eta honi buruzko ezusteko edozein gogoeta deuseztaturik,

oroitzapenak baino ez baitzizkidan utzi, garaiz kanpokoak

gaztaroko odol beroarekin aspaldi topatutako amodioarentzat;

eta erruduntasun orori zentzu eta arrazoi oro erauzi nion,

harik eta oihu, dardara eta hara-hona balantza egin nuen arte,

argitan blai. Oi! Noiz hasi zen izpiritua berpizten,

hil-oheko nahasmendua aienaturik, noiz izan zen

bideetan barrena biluzik bidalia, eta, liburuek diotenez,

zeruaren injustizia dela-eta zigortua izatera kondenatua?


The Cold Heaven

Suddenly I saw the cold and rook-delighting heaven / That seemed as though ice burned and was but the more ice, / And thereupon imagination and heart were driven / So wild that every casual thought of that and this / Vanished, and left but memories, that should be out of season / With the hot blood of youth, of love crossed long ago; / And I took all the blame out of all sense and reason, / Until I cried and trembled and rocked to and fro, / Riddled with light. Ah! when the ghost begins to quicken, / Confusion of the death-bed over, is it sent / Out naked on the roads, as the books say, and stricken / By the injustice of the skies for punishment?