Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
William Butler Yeats
itzulpena: Juan Kruz Igerabide
2022, poesia
64 orrialde
William Butler Yeats
Poesia kaiera
William Butler Yeats
itzulpena: Juan Kruz Igerabide
2022, poesia
64 orrialde


Zeruko konstelazioen parte zeneko
iragan-handitasuna gogoan


Gazteen Herrialdeko garagardoa edan dut

eta orain negarrez nago, gauzak oro baitakizkit:

izan naiz hurritz, eta nire hosto gorenetatik

Hartz Nagusia eta Iparrizarra zintzilik egon ziren

denbora hura oroimenetik harago doakit;

bihurtu nintzen zaldiek zanpaturiko ihi,

bihurtu nintzen gizaki, haizeen etsai;

gauza guztietatik hara, ezagutu nuen bat, bakartia,

bere burua ezin etzan zuena emakume maitearen bularrean,

ezin ezpainak ipini haren adatsean, hil arteraino.

Oi, basamortuko piztia, aireko txori hori,

zure maite-garrasiak jasan behar ote ditut ba?


He thinks of his Past Greatness when a Part of the Constellations of Heaven

I have drunk ale from the Country of the Young / And weep because I know all things now: / I have been a hazel-tree, and they hung / The Pilot Star and the Crooked Plough / Among my leaves in times out of mind: / I became a rush that horses tread: / I became a man, a hater of the wind, / Knowing one, out of all things, alone, that his head / May not lie on the breast nor his lips on the hair / Of the woman that he loves, until he dies. / O beast of the wilderness, bird of the air, / Must I endure your amorous cries?