Warsan Shire
Kenya, 1988
itzulpena: Maialen Berasategi
Demagun hasiera hau poemarentzat: gizona atzeraka sartu da gelan.
Jaka kendu eta hortxe gelditu da eserita betiko;
halaxe dakargu aita atzera.
Sudurreratu dezaket atzera nire odola, inurriak arrapaladan zulora.
Hazi gara gorputz txikiago batera, desagertu zaizkit bularrak,
horra zure masailak leundurik, horra hortzek atzera txikleari kosk.
Egin gaitzaket maitatuak: zuk esan eta nik egin.
Bihur bitez besondo guk onartu gabe behin badarik ere ukitu gaituzten eskuak,
idatz dezaket poema eta desagerrarazi.
Aitaordeak tu bota du likorea basora,
horra amaren gorputza pirritan eskaileran gora, hezurra bere lekura klak,
igual haurra ere ez du galduko.
Igual ondo gaude, ume?
Berridatziko dut bizi oso hau eta maitasunez betea egongo da oraingoan,
maitasuna besterik ez duzu ikusiko.
Maitasuna besterik ez duzu ikusiko,
berridatziko dut bizi oso hau eta maitasunez betea egongo da oraingoan.
Igual ondo gaude, ume,
igual haurra ere ez du galduko.
Horra amaren gorputza pirritan eskaileran gora, hezurra bere lekura klak,
aitaordeak tu bota du likorea basora.
Idatz dezaket poema eta desagerrarazi,
bihur bitez besondo guk onartu gabe behin badarik ere ukitu gaituzten eskuak,
egin gaitzaket maitatuak: zuk esan eta nik egin.
Horra zure masailak leundurik, horra hortzek atzera txikleari kosk
hazi gara gorputz txikiago batera, desagertu zaizkit bularrak.
Sudurreratu dezaket atzera nire odola, inurriak arrapaladan zulora,
halaxe dakargu aita atzera.
Jaka kendu eta hortxe gelditu da eserita betiko.
Demagun hasiera hau poemarentzat: gizona atzeraka sartu da gelan.
The poem can start with him walking backwards into a room. / He takes off his jacket and sits down for the rest of his life; / that’s how we bring Dad back. / I can make the blood run back up my nose, ants rushing into a hole. / We grow into smaller bodies, my breasts disappear, / your cheeks soften, teeth sink back into gums. / I can make us loved, just say the word. / Give them stumps for hands if even once they touched us without consent, / I can write the poem and make it disappear. / Step-Dad spits liquor back into glass, / Mum’s body rolls back up the stairs, the bone pops back into place, / maybe she keeps the baby. / Maybe we’re okay kid? / I’ll rewrite this whole life and this time there’ll be so much love, / you won’t be able to see beyond it. // You won’t be able to see beyond it, / I’ll rewrite this whole life and this time there’ll be so much love. / Maybe we’re okay kid, / maybe she keeps the baby. / Mum’s body rolls back up the stairs, the bone pops back into place, / Step-Dad spits liquor back into glass. / I can write the poem and make it disappear, / give them stumps for hands if even once they touched us without consent, / I can make us loved, just say the word. / Your cheeks soften, teeth sink back into gums / we grow into smaller bodies, my breasts disappear. / I can make the blood run back up my nose, ants rushing into a hole, / that’s how we bring Dad back. / He takes off his jacket and sits down for the rest of his life. / The poem can start with him walking backwards into a room.