Ostiral gaua Royal Station hotelean
Goitik behera egiten du argiak
argi sailetatik silla hutsen gainera,
aurrez aurre, kolore ezberdineko.
Ate zabaldutik, hara jangela
labana eta edalontzizko bakardade handiagoan,
hara isiltasuna alfonbra gisa etzanik. Atezaina
saldu gabeko egunkaria leitzen. Badoaz orduak,
eta saltzaile guztiak Leedsera itzuli dira
Bilkura Aretoko hautsontziak beterik utzita.
Horra pasillo hutsetan lanparak izekirik. Zein
isolatua den hau, gotorlekua dirudi...
Hona idazpurudun papera, etxera (etxerik balego)
erbestetik gutunak idazteko: Gautu du.
Herrien atzean olatuak plegatzen...
Friday Night in the Royal Station Hotel
Light spreads darkly downwards from the high / Clusters of lights over empty chairs / That face each other, coloured differently. / Through open doors, the dining-room declares / A larger loneliness of knives and glass / And silence laid like carpet. A porter reads / An unsold evening paper. Hours pass, / And all the salesmen have gone back to Leeds, / Leaving full ashtrays in the Conference Room. // In shoeless corridors, the lights burn. How / Isolated, like a fort, it is — / The headed paper, made for writing home / (If home existed) letters of exile: Now / Night comes on. Waves fold behind villages.