Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Philip Larkin
itzulpena: Juanjo Olasagarre
2023, poesia
64 orrialde
Philip Larkin



Arreba itsusia


Nire gelaranzko hogeita hamar mailak igoko ditut,

ohean etzan;

musika, biolina, korneta eta danborra

lokar daitezela nire baitan.


Nerabezaroan ez nintzenez sorgindu,

ez eta maitasunerako jaio,

zuhaitzekin eta haien isiltasun jatorrarekin jardungo dut,

dabilen haizearekin.


XIX Ugly Sister

I will climb thirty steps to my room, / Lie on my bed; / Let the music, the violin, cornet and drum / Drowse from my head. // Since I was not bewitched in adolescence / And brought to love, / I will attend to the trees and their gracious silence, / To winds that move.