Hogei urte eginen ditu
gure lantokira bi neska etorri zirela—
ingeles arrosa titi-handi bat
baina haren adiskide antiojodunarekin
mintzatu ahal izan nintzen.
Garai haietan aurpegiek
txinpartak sortzen zizkidaten, eta harenaren
parekorik ez zen, alafede:
baina adiskidearekin lotu nintzen.
Zazpi urteren buruan
laurehun gutunetik gora idatzi nizkion,
gero itzuliko zidan hamar gineako
eraztuna oparitu, eta elkartu ginen
makina bat hiri katedraldunetan
apaizen ezkutuan. Bitan-edo
iruditu zitzaidan eder. Barreari
eusten-edo saiatzen ari zen bietan.
Banatzeak, bost aldiz saiatu ondoren,
ados nengoela adierazi nahi zuen:
bai, neurekoiegia nintzela, zomorroa
eta amodiorako aspergarria.
Zerbait ikasi nuen, behintzat.
Karteran, oraindik, arrosa
titi-handiaren bi argazki daramatzat.
Zoritxarreko sorginkeriak, beharbada.
Wild Oats
About twenty years ago / Two girls came in where I worked — / A bosomy English rose / And her friend in specs I could talk to. / Faces in those days sparked / The whole shooting-match off, and I doubt / If ever one had like hers: / But it was the friend I took out, // And in seven years after that / Wrote over four hundred letters, / Gave a ten-guinea ring / I got back in the end, and met / At numerous cathedral cities / Unknown to the clergy. I believe / I met beautiful twice. She was trying / Both times (so I thought) not to laugh. // Parting, after about five / Rehearsals, was an agreement / That I was too selfish, withdrawn, / And easily bored to love. / Well, useful to get that learnt. / In my wallet are still two snaps / Of bosomy rose with fur gloves on. / Unlucky charms, perhaps.