ala erortzen ari den hostoa,
zein imitatu beharko nuke
nire dantzan?
Eta onartu beharko balu
bere oinekin ehundutako mundua
hostorik gabekoa dela, osatugabea?
Eta bertan behera utziko balu,
gontz moduko dantza hautsiko,
publikoa laxatuko balu?
Orduan ilargia txoratuko litzateke,
Ilargia, aingura gabe,
balantzaka jaitsiko litzateke lurrera
hondamendi lako musu baten bila.
XV The Dancer
Butterfly / Or falling leaf, / Which ought I to imitate / In my dancing? // And if she were to admit / The world weaved by her feet / Is leafless, is incomplete? / And if she abandoned it, / Broke the pivoted dance, / Set loose the audience? / Then would the moon go raving, / The moon, the anchorless / Moon go swerving / Down at the earth for a catastrophic kiss.