Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Philip Larkin
itzulpena: Juanjo Olasagarre
2023, poesia
64 orrialde
Philip Larkin


Prestatyn eguzkitsua


Zatoz Prestatyn-go eguzkitara

zioen, irribarrez, posterreko neskak

harearen gainean belauniko

satin zuri itsatsia soinean.

Bazirudien atzean zituen kostalde

puska eta hotel palmeraduna

izterretik atera eta lepo atzean bildutako

besoetaraino hedatzen zitzaizkiola.


Martxoko egun batean zartatu zuten.

Aste pare batean akastu zizkioten

hortzak eta hazarazi begiak;

sastatu zizkioten, sastatu ere,

titi handiak, zarramazkatu hankartea,

izterpean, zangalatraba, zirriborroa egin:

buztan lodi bat eta potroak.


Sinadura Titch Thomas. Norbaitek

labana-edo erabiliko zuen irribarre

bibotedunaren ezpainak zulatzeko.

Onegia bizitza honetarako.

Handik gutxira, zeharkako urratu handi batek

eskua eta urdin pixka bat baizik ez zituen utzi.

Minbiziari aurre egin ageri da orain.


Sunny Prestatyn

Come To Sunny Prestatyn / Laughed the girl on the poster, / Kneeling up on the sand / In tautened white satin. / Behind her, a hunk of coast, a / Hotel with palms / Seemed to expand from her thighs and / Spread breast-lifting arms. // She was slapped up one day in March. / A couple of weeks, and her face / Was snaggle-toothed and boss-eyed; / Huge tits and a fissured crotch / Were scored well in, and the space / Between her legs held scrawls / That set her fairly astride / A tuberous cock and balls // Autographed Titch Thomas, while / Someone had used a knife / Or something to stab right through / The moustached lips of her smile. / She was too good for this life. / Very soon, a great transverse tear / Left only a hand and some blue. / Now Fight Cancer is there.