Zuhaitzak loratzen ari dira
erabat esan gabeko zerbait lez;
horra kimuak ernetzen,
berdetasuna penaren parekoa dute.
Haiek berriz jaiotzen direlako ote
ala gu ote zahartzen garenok?
Ez, horiek ere hiltzen dira. Urtero
berritzeko trikimailua zurezko eraztunetan ageri da.
Eta, hala ere, gaztelu urduriak
trinkotasunean aletzen dira maiatz oro.
Urtea hil da, ematen du diotela,
has zaitez atzera, atzera, atzera berriz.
The Trees
The trees are coming into leaf / Like something almost being said; / The recent buds relax and spread, / Their greenness is a kind of grief. // Is it that they are born again / And we grow old? No, they die too. / Their yearly trick of looking new / Is written down in rings of grain. // Yet still the unresting castles thresh / In fullgrown thickness every May. / Last year is dead, they seem to say, / Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.