Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Philip Larkin
itzulpena: Juanjo Olasagarre
2023, poesia
64 orrialde
Philip Larkin


Sartzeko arrazoiak


Tronpetaren ahotsak, ozen eta autoritario,

kristal argitutik barna begirarazi dit,

hara dantzariak —hogeita bostetik beherakoak denak—

mugi eta mugi, musuz musu

zorionaren taupada handiosera.


Hala dirudi, behintzat, ke, izerdi

nesken larru leunen arabera. Zergatik gelditu kanpoan?

Baina zergatik sartu? Sexua, baina, zer da

sexua? —Segur aski zorionaren muina

bikoteka aurki daitekeela pentsatzea—.


Oker galanta, niri dagokidanez behintzat.

Ni mihi lakarreko ezkila gora horrek erakartzen nau

(Artea, nahi baduzu). Haren banakako soinuak

ni ere banakakotzat nauka.

Mintzo zait, entzuten dut; bestek ere entzun dezakete,

baina ez nire ordez, ez nik haien ordez;

berdin zoriontasunarekin. Horrexegatik nago kanpoan

aburu hauekin; eta horiek, barnean jo eta ke

aburu horiekin; eta denok primeran, norbera

bere buruarekin oker-ustetan aritu ezean. Edo gezurretan.


Reasons for Attendance

The trumpet’s voice, loud and authoritative, / Draws me a moment to the lighted glass / To watch the dancers — all under twenty-five — / Shifting intently, face to flushed face, / Solemnly on the beat of happiness. // — Or so I fancy, sensing the smoke and sweat, / The wonderful feel of girls. Why be out here? / But then, why be in there? Sex, yes, but what / Is sex? Surely, to think the lion’s share / Of happiness is found by couples — sheer // Inaccuracy, as far as I’m concerned. / What calls me is that lifted, rough-tongued bell / (Art, if you like) whose individual sound / Insists I too am individual. / It speaks; I hear; others may hear as well, // But not for me, nor I for them; and so / With happiness. Therefore I stay outside, / Believing this; and they maul to and fro, / Believing that; and both are satisfied, / If no one has misjudged himself. Or lied.