Eguneroko soineko esanekoa,
ezin diozu beti itxura
gazte eta aparteko horri eutsi.
Mugak ikasi beharra daukazu:
haserrea, aisia, loa;
hareaz zamatu haize
gaixto horren seinale
gutxi horiek: denbora;
gizendu beharra duzu, zabartu
izen zikinduko zaku
zaharra bihurtu.
Lehortu, bada; zaildu; higatu;
eta barkatu, berri zinela
zu erakusteko festa builosorik
ez aurkitu izana, hala nola
arropak, moda aldatu arte,
eskubide duen moduan.
Obedient daily dress, / You cannot always keep / That unfakable young surface. / You must learn your lines — / Anger, amusement, sleep; / Those few forbidding signs // Of the continuous coarse / Sand-laden wind, time; / You must thicken, work loose / Into an old bag / Carrying a soiled name. / Parch then; be roughened; sag; // And pardon me, that I / Could find, when you were new, / No brash festivity / To wear you at, such as / Clothes are entitled to / Till the fashion changes.