Hurrengoa, mesedez
Beti etorkizun gose
aiduru egoteko aztura txarra hartzen dugu.
Beti ari zaigu zerbait hurbiltzen, egunero
diogu orduraino,
talaiatik begira nola heldu den
promesen itsas armada txiki, argi, distiratsua.
Zein geldi datorren! Zer denboraketa galtzen duen
ezin aurrera eginez!
Eskuetan, ordea, etsipen adaxka malerusak baizik
ez dizkigu uzten, ezen hurbildu
hurbiltzen bada ere, letoi apainez okerturik
sokak ageri-agerian,
banderak airera eta urrezko titidun maskaroia
guregana, ez du aingurarik botatzen.
Ezin azkarrago, oraina iragana dugu.
Azkenera arte
uste dugu gure bizitzan on guztia
hustera datorrela, horren leial, horren luze
itxaroteagatik dagokigun hori guztia.
Oker gaude:
ontzi bakarra ari zaigu bila, bela
beltzeko hori, arrotz, txoririk gabeko
isiltasun izugarriz dator zamaturik. Uberan
ez zaio olaturik sortzen, ez lehertzen.
Next, Please
Always too eager for the future, we / Pick up bad habits of expectancy. / Something is always approaching; every day / Till then we say, // Watching from a bluff the tiny, clear, / Sparkling armada of promises draw near. / How slow they are! And how much time they waste, / Refusing to make haste! // Yet still they leave us holding wretched stalks / Of disappointment, for, though nothing balks / Each big approach, leaning with brasswork prinked, / Each rope distinct, // Flagged, and the figurehead with golden tits / Arching our way, it never anchors; it’s / No sooner present than it turns to past. / Right to the last // We think each one will heave to and unload / All good into our lives, all we are owed / For waiting so devoutly and so long. / But we are wrong: // Only one ship is seeking us, a black- / Sailed unfamiliar, towing at her back / A huge and birdless silence. In her wake / No waters breed or break.