Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
John Berger
itzulpena: Iņigo Roque Eguzkitza
2019, poesia
64 orrialde
John Berger


Hendrickje Rembrandtena


Lepoko bat dilindan laxo trebeska bularretan

eta haien artean finko

            (benetan al dago finkaturik


ala etengabe berritzen da?)

betierekoaren lurrina.

Loa bezain zaharra den lurrina,

hala bizientzat nola hilentzat erabat ezaguna.


Hendrickye by Rembrandt

A necklace hangs loose across her breasts, / And between them lingers - / yet is it a lingering // and not an incessant arrival? - / the perfume of forever. / A perfume as old as sleep, / as familiar to the living as to the dead.