Zuhaitz genealogikoa
Besoak luzexkoak dituzu
esan zuen dendariak
pozik doitasun-irizpide
kritikoak erabiltzeagatik
berokia erostera joan nintzenean.
Oinazpi sobera gorak dituzu
esan zidan emakume batek
duela berrogei urte
ama astero orraztera etorri
eta podologiaz zertxobait zekien hark.
Bai matraila indartsuak
esan zuen austriar haginlariak
burua atzera eta aho zabalik nengoela
hortz bat erauzten utzi nionean
Londresko iparraldean.
Laster tasun horiek
ezin hautemango dira
nola eta gurdia igarotzean
belartzan pausatzen diren
hauts-laino zuriko printzak bezala
behien belartza
auzoko zaldiaren belartza
bi ardiren belartza
oiloen belartza
hiru sagarrondoren belartza
nire arbasoek segaz moztutako
serbiar belartza
Beso luzexkoak ditut
haien luzerak
lagunduko zidakeen segan.
Family Tree
You have unusually long arms / said the salesman / glad of the chance to use / fitting critical criteria / when I went to buy my coat. // Your arches are unusually high / said the woman / forty years ago / who came each week / to set my mother’s hair / and knew a little chiropody. // An unusually strong jaw yours / said the Austrian dentist when / head back and mouth open / I let him extract a tooth / in North London. // Soon such attributes will be as / indistinguishable as particles / in the cloud of white dust / which settles on the grass / when the cart has passed / cows grass / grass of the neighbour’s horse / two sheeps grass / fowls grass / grass of four apple trees / Serbian grass / my ancestors scythed. // I have unusually long arms / their length / would have made scything easier.