Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
John Berger
itzulpena: Iņigo Roque Eguzkitza
2019, poesia
64 orrialde
John Berger


Esan gabea


Nire mahaian

gutunak pilaturik

guztiak ere erantzun gabeak


duela hiru urtekoa.

Arrats batez erabaki dut

haiei ekiteko

sasoia etorria dela.

Ni baino lirikoagoak

diren poeten gutunak

gomendio eske,

erakundeen gutunak

ni gonbidatuz hitz egitera


edo artearen erabileraz…,

aseguru-etxe baten gutuna

gogoraraziz nola ez nuen aintzat hartu

hondamendi naturalen kontrako klausula osagarria,

zorion-postal bat.


Erantzun gabeko gutunen artean

bi lagun minen

gutun bana.


bata lodia eta bestea mehea,

ez dira entelegatzen errazak

nahiz urtetan

irrikaz irakurri ditudan

adore bila.

Orain hilak dira biak

eta haien azken gutunak

meta batean galdurik daude:

biek hil dute beren burua

batak pistola batekin

besteak kanal batean.


The Unsaid

On my table / a pile of letters / not yet replied to / the earliest dated / three years before. / One evening I decide / the time has come / to deal with them all. / Letters from poets / more lyrical than I / requesting advice, / letters from institutions / inviting me to speak / on communication / or the use of art... / from an insurance company / a reminder explaining / I had overlooked / the obligatory premium / against natural disasters, / a birthday card. // Among the post unanswered / two letters / from close friends. / The handwritings, / one fat and one thin, / not easy to decipher, / yet over the years / I had read them avidly / finding encouragement. / Now both are dead / their last letters / lost in a pile: / both killed themselves / one with a gun / one in a canal.