Degasen dantzari baten brontzeaz
Diozu zangoak gorputzari eusten diola
Baina ez al duzu inoiz ikusi
Nola ernatzen den gorputza
Orpoko hazi horretatik?
Diozu (zuk uste duzunez zubigile hori
Baldin bazara) pose bakoitzak
Bere berezko oreka izan beharra daukala
Baina ez al duzu inoiz ikusi
Nola eusten dioten beren izate ezberezkoari
Dantzariaren muskulu manugaitzek?
Diozu (nik espero bezain arrazionala
Baldin bazara) hankabikoen eboluzioa
Aspaldi bururatu zela
Baina ez al duzu inoiz ikusi
Nola dagoen aztarna miragarri hori
Aldakak pixka bat salatzen duena
Iragarriz bederatzi hazbete beherago
Gorputza bitan adarkatuko dela?
Begira diezaiogun elkarrekin
(Biok badakigu
Argia artekari dela
Espazioaren eta denboraren artean)
Begira diezaiogun irudi honi
Nik ene jainkosa
Eta zuk tenkadura.
Kontu egizu zubi bat dela
Ikusi nola zango-bizkar errepideak
Aldakan eta sorbaldan bildurik
Eusten dion tinko esku-ahurretik orpora
Zango bakarra pilare
Izterra belaunaren gainean
Pentsa zubi bat dela
Behialako Lethe ibaiaren gainekoa
Begira nola jasaten duen tentsioa ere
Zeharkatzen ari garen gorputz arruntak
Zaurgarri, populatu, epel.
Pisu Hila, Pisu Bizia
Eta Luzetarako Arrastea.
Beraz utziozu dantzariak guretzat konkortutako zubiari
Aurreiritzi zaharren tentsioa jasaten
Beraz egiazta dezagun berriro,
Zuk ene jainkosa horrek
Eta nik tenkadura honek.
On a Degas Bronze of a Dancer
You say the leg supports the body / But have you never seen / The seed in the ankle / Whence the body grows? // You say (if you are the builder of bridges / I think you are) each pose / Must have its natural equilibrium / But have you never seen / Recalcitrant muscles of dancers / Hold their unnatural own? // You say (if as rational / As I hope you are) the bipeds evolution / Was accomplished long ago / But have you never seen / The still miraculous sign / A little in from the hip / Predicting nine inches below / Bodies fork in two? // Then let us look together / (We who both know / Lights the go-between / Of space and time) / Let us look at this figure / To verify / I my goddess / And you the stress. // Think in terms of bridges. / See, the road of leg and back / Hingeing at hip and shoulder / Holds firm from palm to heel / Single leg as pier / Thigh above the knee / Cantilevering member. // Think in terms of bridges / Over what men once called Lethe. / See, the ordinary body we cross through / Vulnerable, inhabited, warm / Stands the strain too. / Dead Load, Live Load / And Longitudinal Drag. // So let the bridge this dancer arches for us / Stand the strain of all old prejudice / So let’s verify again, / You my goddess / And I the stress.