Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
John Berger
itzulpena: Iņigo Roque Eguzkitza
2019, poesia
64 orrialde
John Berger


Azkenak dira




Mihiaren atzean,


eta gatzerako grinarekin,

mihi astun eta

halere itsu baten eskua bezain

abilaren atzean,

behi osasuntsu batek

berrogeita hamar bat aldiz mamurtzen du

hausnartua berriro irentsi aurretik.


Irudi du Beverly


emigratzen ari direla: haien Amerikak

zeruetako konstelazioak dira:

Muskerra, Lehoia, Hartz Handia,

Aharia, Zezena, Belea,


Beharbada zuhurrenek

hala nola agutiek

Esne Bidea hautatu dute.


Erantsi belarria haren saihetsari

eta adituko duzu

haren lau urdailetako marea.

Bigarrenak, sare tankerakoak,

konstelazio-izena dauka:

Erretikulua. Hirugarrenak,


liburu tankera dauka.


Gaixo delarik

mamurtzeko gogoa galduta,

haren lau urdailak

mututzen dira erlauntza bat neguan bezala.


Urterik urtera animalia gehiagok alde egiten du.


Etxabereak eta azienden gorpuak baizik ez dira geratzen

eta azienda bizian edo hilean

ezinbestez eta ezarian

bihurtzen da haragi

“Sinetsita nago erabat posible dela

—esan zuen Iowako Unibertsitateko

Bob Bust-ek—

animalia bat berariaz

hanburgesatarako diseinatzea”.


Beste nonbait

pobreen animaliak

pobreak bezala hiltzen dira

proteina gabeziagatik.


Abereek larreetatik biltzen dituztenean

arboladiaren beroa

eta hartz-baratxuriaren arnasa beroa

eramaten dituzte ukuilu hotzetara.


Korta garbitzeko


behor-simaur pixka bat

minda xurgatzen baitu

minda udaberria bezain likidoa eta

berde belarkara.


Eta ongi lotu gaur gauean

azpiak egin pago-orriz


azkenak dira eta.


Orain joanak direla

haien kemenaren falta dugu.

Zuhaitzak ibaiak

eta hodeiak ez bezala

animaliek bazeuzkaten begiak

eta haien begirada

iraupena zen.


Bazen sekulako eta betiko azeria.

Bera hiltzeko

aski zen

lipar batez egoztea

bere eternitateko



Euliek eta beleek

ardi hila jatean

begietatik hasita ekiten zioten.

Haatik ordurako ardia

erditua zen

bere iraupenaren axuriaz.


Zapelatzak inguruka

bil-bil egiten zuen bere denbora eternala


bezainbat aldiz.


Gau bakartitik

egunaren behakoa zetorren,

bere animalia-adikune zuhur



Animaliak isurian zihoazen haien esnea bezala.

Orain joanak direla

haien kemenaren falta dugu.


“Zerrama —diotenez—

mekanika baliotsutzat

hartu behar litzateke,

haren egitekoa

txerrikumeak ekoiztea baita”.


Haatik batzuetan


pitxar zuritik

isurtzen ari zarelarik,

gogora ekartzen dit

txakurren moldean

etxea zaintzen zuen antzara.


They Are The Last

for Beverly

Behind her tongue / with its language of grass / and passion for salt, / behind the heavy tongue / deft nevertheless / as a blind man’s hand, / a cow in good health chews / approximately fifty times / before re-swallowing the cud. // It appears the animals / Beverly / are emigrating: their America / the constellations in the sky: / Lizard, Lion, Great Bear, / Ram, Bull, Crow, / Hare... / Perhaps the more prudent / like the agouti / have chosen the milky way. // Put your ear to her flank / and you will hear / the tide of her four stomachs. / Her second, like a net, / has the name of a constellation: / Reticulum. Her third, / the Psalterium, is like / the pages of a book. // When she falls sick / and lacks the will to chew / her four stomachs fall / silent as a hive in winter. / Each year more animals depart. // Only pets and carcasses remain, / and the carcasses living or dead / are from birth / ineluctably and invisibly / turned into meat. / ‘I believe it’s completely feasible,’ / said Bob Rust / of Iowa State University, / ‘to specifically design / an animal for hamburger.’ // Elsewhere / the animals of the poor / die with the poor / from protein insufficiency. // When fetched from the pastures / the cattle bring into the cool stable / the heat of the orchard / and the hot breath of wild garlic. // To clean out the cowshed / scatter a little of / the mare’s dung / it absorbs their shit / liquid as springtime / and green with grass. // And fasten them well tonight / bed them with beech leaves / Beverly / they are the last. // Now that they have gone / it is their endurance we miss. / Unlike the tree / the river or the cloud / the animals had eyes / and their glance / was permanence. // It was the same fox for ever and ever. / To kill him / was to drag him / momentarily / from the earth / of his eternity. // Flies and crows / when devouring the dead sheep / began with the eyes. / Yet the ewe / had already lambed / her permanence. // The buzzard circled / biding his everlasting time / as repeatedly / as the mountain. // Out of the single night / came the day’s look, / with its wary animal glance / to every side. // The animals flowed like their milk. / Now that they have gone / it is their endurance we miss. // The breeding sow,’ it is said, / ‘should be thought of and treated / as a valuable piece of machinery / whose function / is to pump out baby pigs’ // Yet sometimes / when you are pouring / from the white jug, / the milk / reminds me of the geese / who like dogs / guarded the house.