Gutun bat
Marinel batek gutun bat jaso du
mila versta haragotik bidalia.
Emazteak idatzi dio esanez
labarrez haraindiko
beren etxean
zoriontsua dela.
Eta hara non gutun horrek
izen arrotzeko portuetan neskekin
pasatutako arratsen batean jasoak
ulertarazi dion marinel ahobeltzari
bidaia amaigabea
amaitu egingo dela.
A Letter
A sailor receives a letter / from a thousand versts away. / His wife has written / that in their house / beyond the cliffs / she is happy. // And this is of her letter / during evenings with girls / in untranslatable ports / through the sea of the months / persuades the cursing sailor / that his never-ending voyage / will end.