zeruaren ibitik hurbil
mihi-arrainak ari dira
errautsa egiten elurra bezala
kaioak inguruka dabiltza
gero eta
hankak beheitituz airean
maluten gainean ibiltzeko
Malevitxen pinturetan
zuria espazio substantziatua da
bidegurutze bakoitzean semaforoak
zurira dira pasatzen
maluta erraldoiak
kanalaren adar arrean urtzen dira
zeina ez sumatzeko moduan hazi baita
izotzak uzkurrarazirik hotzak elkarrarazirik
neguak enetzat oraindik zerbait berria zirelarik
esku bateko atzamarrak
izotz minezkoak
tinkatzen nituen beste eskuarekin
orga zuri huts bat
zaldi urdin batek tiratua
tranbia baten atzetik
elurra betetzen ari da orga
high up / close to the bed of the sky / flounders are making / ash fall like snow // gulls wheeling in / smaller / and smaller / circles / lower their feet in flight / to walk upon the flakes // in the paintings of Malevich / white is space made substantial / at each crossing the traffic lights / change from white / to white // the giant flakes dissolve / on the brown arm of the canal / raised imperceptibly higher // ice contracts the cold huddle together // when winters were still new to me / I held the fingers of one hand / cold sticks of ache / in the palm of my other // an empty white dray / drawn by a grey horse / follows a tram // the snow is filling the dray