Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
John Berger
itzulpena: Iņigo Roque Eguzkitza
2019, poesia
64 orrialde
John Berger




Bat mendiekin

amets egiten duena


burokrata-ahotsez mintzo da


Beste bat inor molestatzen ausartzen ez dena

parke batean aparkatutako

tanke bat bezala lotan

ume-ahotsez desenkusatuko da

beti esanekoa izan dela baieztatuz


Hirugarren batek loezinari gaina harturik

imajinatzen du kastore bat dela

eta zaunka egiten du bileretan

beharrizanaren izenean


Harakoak amesgaiztoetan

historia aldaezina dela ikusten duenak

azalduko du irakasle baten gisa

zehazki zer behar den

aurrera egiteko


Poemari belarrira

idazten dizkiot igarkizun hauek

sekula ozenki

esan gabeak


Viva Voce

One who dreams deeply / of mountains / speaks next day / with the voice of a bureaucrat // Another whom nobody dares disturb / sleeping like a tank / parked in a square / will plead with the voice of a child / that he was never disobedient // A third to overcome insomnia / imagines himself a beaver / and barks at meetings / in the name of necessity // He whose nightmares / are of history being unchangeable / will explain like a teacher / precisely what is needed / in order to progress // Into the ear of the poem / I write these riddles / never spoken / viva voce.