Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
John Berger
itzulpena: Iņigo Roque Eguzkitza
2019, poesia
64 orrialde
John Berger


Etsipenaren zazpi maila


Goizero bila aritzea

apurrak aurkitu eta

beste egun batez bizirik irauteko.


Itzartzean jakitea

legezko oihan honetan

ez dela eskubiderik.


Urtetan ikustea

deus ez dela oneratzen

okertzen baino.

Umiliaturik ia deus

aldatzeko gai ez izateagatik

eta ia horretaz baliatzeagatik

beste impasse batera iristeko.


Milaka promes entzutea

zure eta zureen ondotik

igarotzen eta gelditzen ez.


Hauts bihurtu arte bonbardaturik

eusten dioten horien etsenplua.


Norberari eraildakoen zama

inozentzia betiko

azkentzen duen zama bat

hainbeste baitira erailak.


Seven Levels of Despair

To search each morning / to find the scraps / with which to survive another day. // The knowledge on waking / that in this legal wilderness / no rights exist. // The experience over the years / of nothing getting better / only worse. / The humiliation of being able / to change almost nothing, / and of seizing upon the almost / which then leads to another impasse. // The listening to a thousand promises / which pass inexorably / beside you and yours. // The example of those who resist / being bombarded to dust. // The weight of your own killed / a weight which closes / innocence for ever / because they are so many.