Hitzez hitz transkribaturiko amets bat
Ez zaldiaren galopa basak
ez zalditik jaitsitako oinkariek
eraman ahal izan zuten neska basoan barrena berari sinetsarazteko
mutila zinez hila zela
Oi hozka egiozu belarri-gingilean, esan zuten,
Eta giltza eman haren biziari.
Han zamalkaldi hosto-berdearen akaberan
urkatu egin zuten gorosti goretsi batean
Eta neskak negar egin zuen harik eta malkoek harriak
erorarazi arte nire mendi-mazelan behera itzul-amilka.
A Dream Which I Inscribed Verbatim
Not the horse run wild / nor the men on their feet dismounted / could lead her through the wood to believe / that he had truly died. // O bite the lobe of his ear, they said / And draw the bolt of his life. // There at the end of the green leafed ride / they hanged him on a holly holly tree / And she wept ’til her tears rolled stones / down my mountain side.