Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Edna St. Vincent Millay
itzulpena: Ana Morales
2021, poesia
64 orrialde
Edna St. Vincent Millay


Animali dantza


Goazen denok Animali Dantzara, hanka biko jantzita!

Eta lauhazkan hasten den gizonak edariak ordain bitza!

Stanek badu cocker bat atzeko hanketan dabilena:

Eramango dugu gu pizteko, jausten bazaigu bihotza.


Hainbeste aroz ibili gara atzeko hanken gainean,

Apatxak belaun ditugu, izterzainak aldaka, baina, halere...

Bi hankaz soilik joaz lurra, nola berotzen diren oinak!

Zut ibiltzeko kemena behar, gogor eutsiz etsi gabe.


Lar urrun joan ginen katamotzen larrua janztean,

Zurbildu ostean neguan ehizatutako ogigaztena;

Lar urrun joan ginen azeria urgazle harturik

Berotu zezan Gizon azala, arimaren etxe dena.


Katu beltzaren kiratsa eta lehoinabarraren sunda

Marra zuriez ederturik daude kontzertu aretoan;

Azpian labainki bihurrika gu, nagusi sentitzen gara;

Baina, kontzertu ostean, narras goaz geure larrura bueltan.


“Galduko du azeriak larrua, baina ez, aldiz, ohitura”.


The Animal Ball

Let us go to the Animal Ball, disguised as bipeds! / And the first man down on all fours, pays for the drinks! / Stan has a cocker that can walk on his hind legs, too: / We’ll take him along, to support us when the spirit sinks. // We've walked on our hind-legs now so many ages, / We’re hoof to the knee, and hock to the hip, but still— / How hot the feet get when you’ve only two to hit the ground with! / It takes real nerve to walk erect, and a pretty strong will. // We went too far when we put on the fur of lynxes, / Of weasels trapped in winter when they’ve lost their tan; / We went too far when we let the fox assist us / To warm the hide that houses the soul of Man. // The reek of the leopard and the stink of the inky’ cat / Striped handsomely with white, are in the concert hall; / We sleekly writhe from under them, and are above all that: / But, the concert over, back into our pelts we crawl. // “It is bad to let the dog taste leather.”