Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Edna St. Vincent Millay
itzulpena: Ana Morales
2021, poesia
64 orrialde
Edna St. Vincent Millay


Soineko koadroduna


Eguzki bizia, margultzen dituzuna

Nire gelako gortinak, ezin al duzu

Daramadan soineko hau kolorgetu?

Koadro bortitz hauek

Amorru purpurenak eta lotsa gorrienak; marra horia,

Traizio mehe baina errimeena; berde deigarria, gogo hilaz

Egindako ekintza onberena, arinki emandako epai handiena;

Gustu onaren falta larriaren lauki errepikaria?


Ezin da koloregabetu, desegin baino gehiago,

Beldur naiz, kentzerik ez dudan arropa hau;

Aitorpenak ezin erantzi nau,

Etxerantz baketurik eta gorri bidaltzeko;


Gau formal kaltegabe osoan zehar, ile garbi

Distiratsuaren azpitik,

Soineko luze sotilaren pean... Ez da ageri;

Bertan da, haatik.


The Plaid Dress

Strong sun, that bleach / The curtains of my room, can you not render / Colourless this dress I wear?— / This violent plaid / Of purple angers and red shames; the yellow stripe / Of thin but valid treacheries; the flashy green of kind deeds done / Through indolence, high judgments given in haste; / The recurring checker of the serious breach of taste? // No more uncoloured than unmade, / I fear, can be this garment that I may not doff; / Confession does not strip it off, / To send me homeward eased and bare; // All through the formal, unoffending evening, under the clean / Bright hair, / Lining the subtle gown ... it is not seen, / But it is there.