Emazte sorgina
Ez da ez arrosa ez zuria,
Eta inoiz ez dateke guztiz nire;
Amandre ipuin batez du eskua hezia,
Eta ahoa, maite postal bat dela bide.
Behar baino sarriago du ilea;
Eguzkitan ene galgarria!
Eta ahotsa, koloreko aleen katea,
Edo itsasora doan mailadia.
Maite nau ahal duen adina,
Ene amorez emanez amore;
Baina ezein gizonentzat ez da egina,
Eta inoiz ez dateke guztiz nire.
She is neither pink nor pale, / And she never will be all mine; / She learned her hands in a fairy-tale, / And her mouth on a valentine. // She has more hair than she needs; / In the sun ’tis a woe to me! / And her voice is a string of coloured beads, / Or steps leading into the sea. // She loves me all that she can, / And her ways to my ways resign; / But she was not made for any man, / And she never will be all mine.