Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Edna St. Vincent Millay
itzulpena: Ana Morales
2021, poesia
64 orrialde
Edna St. Vincent Millay




Gizona, itzaltsu eta hilda, orain ikustean

Bitxi zirudien andrea etzan izana

Haren ondoan hainbat gauez ohe hotzean,

Eta inoiz izana gehiago izango ez zena.

Berotasun handia gorputz irrikatsutik

Joana bide zen azkenik, zain atezuak

Laxatuak betiko. Maindireak formalik

Aurkezten zizkion gaur haren kurba pisuak

Eta atea bezain ezagun zuen luzera,

Emazte batek gizon arrotz bat dakusan ber

Sartzen denean isil-ostuka eta fier

Senarra jende aurrean mintzo den tokira:

Gizon txiki eta absurdo eta berea,

Bizigaien jankidea, behingo batez ez bere:

      Sailkatu gabea.



Gazing upon him now, severe and dead, / It seemed a curious thing that she had lain / Beside him many a night in that cold bed, / And that had been which would not be again. / From his desirous body the great heat / Was gone at last, it seemed, and the taut nerves / Loosened forever. Formally the sheet / Set forth for her to-day those heavy curves / And lengths familiar as the bedroom door. / She was as one that enters, sly, and proud, / To where her husband speaks before a crowd, / And sees a man she never saw before— / The man who eats his victuals at her side, / Small, and absurd, and hers: for once, not hers, unclassified.