Hil aurreko eresia
Izango da arrosarik eta errorizik
Hilda zaudenean eta lurpean;
Oraino sortuko da soinu alaitsu bat
Zelinda zuri erlez zamatuan;
Izango da oraino euria alertzeetan
Behin atertu eta gero euriak,
Eta txantxangorriak oraino uztondoan,
Muino berde epelean ardi grisak.
Ez date udalehena hits ez mehe udazkena;
Ez du ezerk jakingo ez zaudena,
—labore lur goibelen bat salbuetsita,
Zuk beste inork zapaltzen ez duena—;
Kamamilatik eta amarantotik at
Ezerk ez du jakingo hil zarena,
—Horiek eta agian gurdi ezgauza batek,
Txabola jausi baten ondokoak—.
O, zure abiatze handiaz, ederrik
Gutxi da abiatuko, zureaz gain:
Ur arruntetik argia, besterik gabe,
Harri soiletik grazia bakarrik!
Elegy before Death
There will be rose and rhododendron / When you are dead and under ground; / Still will be heard from white syringas / Heavy with bees, a sunny sound; // Still will the tamaracks be raining / After the rain has ceased, and still / Will there be robins in the stubble, / Brown sheep upon the warm green hill. // Spring will not ail nor autumn falter; / Nothing will know that you are gone, / Saving alone some sullen plough-land / None but yourself sets foot upon; // Saving the may-weed and the pig-weed / Nothing will know that you are dead,— / These, and perhaps a useless wagon / Standing beside some tumbled shed. // Oh, there will pass with your great passing / Little of beauty not your own,— / Only the light from common water, / Only the grace from simple stone!