Bizar urdin
Zilegi ez zen ate hau ireki zenuen;
Sartu orain, ikusi zein huskeriagatik
Saldua zaren: altxor gorderik ez da hemen,
Ez laratzik, ez bilatutako Egiarik
Dakarren mirail gardenik, andre bururik ez
Zeurea lako irritsak idunetik etenda,
Ez eta ere eskuen bihurtzerik saminez:
Soilik gela hits bat, ikus, amaraunek janda.
Baina hauxe gorde nuen niretzat, ez beste
Ene bizitzatik, inork larregi ez nintzan
Ezagutu; lohitu nauzunez honenbeste
Isil-ostuka gaur gauez barrura sartzean
Betiko zait higuingarri zure aurpegia.
To zuretzat leku hau. Nik behar dut berria.
VI - Bluebeard
This door you might not open, and you did; / So enter now, and see for what slight thing / You are betrayed.... Here is no treasure hid, / No cauldron, no clear crystal mirroring / The sought-for truth, no heads of women slain / For greed like yours, no writhings of distress, / But only what you see.... Look yet again— / An empty room, cobwebbed and comfortless. / Yet this alone out of my life I kept / Unto myself, lest any know me quite; / And you did so profane me when you crept / Unto the threshold of this room to-night / That I must never more behold your face. / This now is yours. I seek another place.