Te-aretoko neska
ez da jadanik izan ohi zen bezain ederra.
Abuztuak haren azala higatu du,
Dagoeneko ez ditu eskailerak lehen bezain gogotsu igotzen;
Bai, bera ere erdi adineko bilakatuko da
Eta ez du honezkero zabalduko,
Opilak zekartzalarik,
Gure inguruan zabaldu ohi zuen gaztetasun distira.
Bera ere erdi adineko bilakatuko da.
The Tea Shop
The girl in the tea shop / is not so beautiful as she was, / The August has worn against her. / She does not get up the stairs so eagerly; / Yes, she also will turn middle-aged, / And the glow of youth that she spread about us / as she brought us our muffins / Will be spread about us no longer. / She also will turn middle-aged.