Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Ezra Pound
itzulpena: Luigi Anselmi
2018, poesia
64 orrialde
Ezra Pound
Poesia kaiera
Ezra Pound
itzulpena: Luigi Anselmi
2018, poesia
64 orrialde
Erosi: 9,50
Ebook: 3,12




Ene jainko maitea, risqué zarela diote

Oi canzonetti!

Alboradak konposatzera

Munduaren goizeko lauretan jalgi ginenok,

Untxiekin gure ihintza inarrosi genuenok,

Artemisa ere sandaliak lotzen ikusi ditugunok,

Entzun al dugu inoiz halakorik?

Oi Heladeko mendiak!!

Ingura nazazue, musak!

Eguzkiaren argi zarpailez jantzita,

Helikoneko granitozko ertzean eseri ginenean,

Oi bernezur eztiko musak,

Oi belaunburu gozoko musak,

Castaliako lantzurda garbia

Zipriztindu genuenean, gintuenean,

Ba ote ziguten inoiz halako epitetorik bota??



Good God! They say you are risque, / O canzonetti! / We who went out into the four A.M. of the world / Composing our albas, / We who shook off our dew with the rabbits, / We who have seen even Artemis a-binding her sandals, / Have we ever heard the like? / O mountains of Hellas!! / Gather about me, O Muses! / When we sat upon the granite brink in Helicon / Clothed in the tattered sunlight, / O Muses with delicate shins, / O Muses with delectable knee-joints, / When we splashed and were splashed with / The lucid Castilian spray, / Had we ever such an epithet cast upon us!!