Fratres Minores
Gogoa oraindik hegan koskabiloen gainean,
Hemen eta Frantzian zenbait poeta
Beti ari dira hasperenka Ovidiok antzina
Aztertutako egiazko jazoeren gainean.
Uluka dabiltza. Kexaka metro fin eta akituetan
Sabeleko hiru kirioren uzkurdurak
Nirvana iraunkorra ezin eragin dezakeelako.
Fratres Minores
With minds still hovering above their testicles / Certain poets here and in France / Still sigh over established and natural fact / Long since fully discussed by Ovid. / They howl. They complain in delicate and exhausted metres / That the twitching of three abdominal nerves / Is incapable of producing a lasting Nirvana.