Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Ezra Pound
itzulpena: Luigi Anselmi
2018, poesia
64 orrialde
Ezra Pound
Poesia kaiera
Ezra Pound
itzulpena: Luigi Anselmi
2018, poesia
64 orrialde
Erosi: 9,50
Ebook: 3,12


Estetika estudioa


Adabakiz jantzitako haur ttipi-ttipiek ere

Ezohiko jakituria batez horniturik,

Utzi zioten jolasteari neska haien aurrean iragan zenean

Eta oihu egin zuten euren galtzada-harrietatik:


          Guarda Ahi, Guarda! Ch’è be’a!


Baina hiru urte geroago

Dante gazteari entzun nion, ez dakit, halere, haren abizena—

Sirmione-n badirelako hogeita zortzi Dante gazte eta,

   Hogeita hamalau Catulli;

Eta sardina ugari harrapatuak zituzten,

Eta nagusiak

gordetzen ari ziren zurezko kaxa handietan eta apailatzen

Brescia-ko merkatura eramateko, eta mutila

Saltoka ari zen inguruan arrain distiratsuak oratzen

Eta haien bi bideak itxiz;

Eta alferrik agintzen zioten sta fermo!

Eta arraina kaxetan apailatzeko baimenik

ematen ez ziotenean

ferekatzen zituen jadanik apailaturik zeudenak

bere atseginerako esaera berbera xuxurlatuz:


          Ch’è be’a


Eta ni apalki ahalketurik geratu nintzen.


The Study in Aesthetics

The very small children in patched clothing, / Being smitten with an unusual wisdom, / Stopped in their play as she passed them / And cried up from their cobbles: // Guarda! Ahi, quarda! che bea! // But three years after this / I heard the young Dante, whose last name I do not know — / For there are, in Sirmione, twenty-eight young Dantes and / thirty-four Catulli; / And there had been a great catch of sardines, / And his elders / Were packing them in the great wooden boxes / For the market in Brescia, and he / Leapt about, snatching at the bright fish / And getting in both of their ways; / And in vain they commanded him to sta fermo! / And when they would not let him arrange / The fish in the boxes / He stroked those which were already arranged, / Murmuring for his own satisfaction / This identical phrase: // Che bea. // And at this I was mildly abashed.