A mis soledades voy.
De mis soledades vengo.
Porque por andar conmigo
Me bastan mis pensamientos.
Lope de Vega
Oi, ene sufrikario-kideak, ene gaztaroko abestiak.
Asto talde batek goresten zaituzte “adoretsuak” zaretelako,
Gu, zuek, ni! Kementsuak gara, “odol gorrikoak”!
Imajina ezazue, ene sufrikario-kideok—
Gure gizontasunak urruntzen gaitu tropeletik
Nork aurreikusiko zuen?
Oi ene sufrikario-kide maiteok, zuhaizpean gorde ginen,
Gizontasunezko ergelkeriaz nazka-nazka eginda geunden.
Aurrera segitu genuen gogoeta samurrak biltzen.
Gure “fantastikoenak” gure zerbitzaria izatea maite zuen.
Emakumeek ez gintuzten geure onetik ateratzen,
Emaztea aldaerraz eta mudakorra baita.
Eta orain entzun dezakezu zer esaten duten gutaz:
Konparatu egiten gaituzte euren sexuaz
Harrotzen diren lagun horiekin
Oraintsu deskubritu balute bezala.
Baina utz ditzagun kontu hauek alde batera, ene abestiok.
Eta itzul gaitezen gure ardurak jasotzen dituen horretara.
The Condolence
O my fellow sufferers, songs of my youth, / A lot of asses praise you because you are “virile,” / We, you, I! We are “Red Bloods”! / Imagine it, my fellow sufferers — / Our maleness lifts us out of the ruck, / Who’d have foreseen it? // O my fellow sufferers, we went out under the trees, / We were in especial bored with male stupidity. / We went forth gathering delicate thoughts, / Our “fantastikon” delighted to serve us. / We were not exasperated with women, / for the female is ductile. // And now you hear what is said to us: / We are compared to that sort of person / Who wanders about announcing his sex / As if he had just discovered it. / Let us leave this matter, my songs, / and return to that which concerns us.