Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Audre Lorde
itzulpena: Danele Sarriugarte
2016, poesia
64 orrialde
Audre Lorde


Zeinek esan zuen erraza izango zela


Sustrai ugariak ditu amorruaren zuhaitzak

eta batzuetan adarrak hausten dira

fruituak eman aurretik ere.


Nedicks-en eserita

andreak ziztuan doaz, manifestatu aurretik

beren burua askatzeko kontratatzen dituzten

neskato gatazkatsuak hizpide.

Ia zuria den gizon bat igaroan,

neba bat zain, emakumeak zerbitzatzeko lehenik

eta andreek, jabetu gabe, ez diote uko egin

beren esklabotzaren plazer arinagoei.

Baina nik neuk, ispiluak lotua,

eta baita oheak ere,

kausak ikusten ditut kolorean

baina baita sexuan ere.


Eta hemen eserita hausnarrean nabil

nire buruetako zeinek biziraungo duen

askapen hauen guztien ondorenean.


Who said it was simple

There are so many roots to the tree of anger / that sometimes the branches shatter / before they bear. // Sitting in Nedicks / the women rally before they march / discussing the problematic girls / they hire to make them free. / An almost white counterman passes / a waiting brother to serve them first / and the laides neither notice nor reject / the slighter pleasures of their slavery. / But I who am bound by my mirror / as well as my bed / see causes in colour / as well as sex // and sit here wondering / which me will survive / all these liberations.