Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Audre Lorde
itzulpena: Danele Sarriugarte
2016, poesia
64 orrialde
Audre Lorde


Mugimendu kantua


Zure lepatzeko kizkur estuak aztertu ditut

nigandik urruntzen direlarik

amorrurik edo porrotik gabe

zure aurpegia, nostalgia ikasteko iluntzeko eskolan

desioz ondutako goizetan barrena

beti ari ginen agur esaten

odolean, hezurrean, kafea hartzean

laster batean alde egin arte

norabide ezberdinetan ginderamatzaten igogailuetan

agurrik gabe.


Ez nazazu oroitu zubi edo teilatu gisa

kondairen egile

edo tranpa gisa

ate gisa, mundu horretarantz

zeinean bulegari zuri eta beltzak

edertasunaren ertzean zintzilik baitaude, bostetan, igogailuetan

sorbaldak bihurritzen bestearen haragia saihesteko

eta orain

norbaitek hitz egingo du haien izenean

nigandik urrun doa biharra helmuga

desioz ondutako goiz

zure agurra tximista-promesa bat da

azken aingeruaren eskuan

ongietorririk ez, ohartarazpena bai

hareek gure aurka egin dute alde

ordainsaria jaso genuen gure bidaien truk

bata bestearengandik urrutiratzeko bidaiak



non aitzakia eta erresistentzia elkartzen baitira

eta erabakia sortzen.


Ez nazazu oroitu

hondamendi gisa

ezta sekretuen jagole modura ere

bidaide bat nauzu, animalien atoian


nola egiten duzun alde, poliki, nire ohetik

esanez ezin dugula guk bakarrik

denbora xahutu.


Movement song

I have studied the tight curls on the back of your neck / moving away from me / beyond anger or failure / your face in the evening schools of longing / through mornings of wish and ripen / we were always saying goodbye / in the blood in the bone over coffee / before dashing for elevators going / in opposite directions / without goodbyes. // Do not remember me as a bridge nor a roof / as the maker of legends / nor as a trap / door to that world / where black and white clericals / hang on the edge of beauty in five o'clock elevators / twitching their shoulders to avoid other flesh / and now / there is someone to speak for them / moving away from me into tomorrows / morning of wish and ripen / your goodbye is a promise of lightning / in the last angels hand / unwelcome and warning / the sands have run out against us / we were rewarded by journeys / away from each other / into desire / into mornings alone / where excuse and endurance mingle / conceiving decision. / Do not remember me / as disaster / nor as the keeper of secrets / I am a fellow rider in the cattle cars / watching / you move slowly out of my bed / saying we cannot waste time / only ourselves.