Arraina eta itzala
Izokin-amuarraina jitoan dabil errekastoan,
Errekastoaren gainean izokin-amuarrainaren arima kulunkan
argi-ostia mehe bat iduri.
Itsasoetako izokina eguzkiak piztutako ur apal argietan ibili ohi da …
Uretan pulunpatzen den arrainaren itzala
bezain arin,
heldu zen bera areto handira eskaileretan zehar,
Aharrausika heldu zen, loa oraindik aldetik kentzerik izan ez balu bezala.
“Ohetik jaiki berria naiz. Loa oraindik dago nire begietan
Etorri. Amets luze bat izan dut”.
Eta nik: “Oihan hura?
Eta bi iturburu haiek igaro ziren gure ondotik”.
“Ez hain urrun, ez hain urrun orain.
Badago leku bat —baina beste inork ez du ezagutzen—
Belaze bat ibar batean…
Qu’ieu sui avinen,
Ñeu lo sai”.
Andreak denboraz mintzatu behar du,
Arnaut de Mareuil, pentsatu nuen nik, “qu’ieu sui avinen”,
Ur ferde hitsean pulunpatzen den
Arrainaren itzala bezain arin.
Fish and the Shadow
The salmon-trout drifts in the stream, / The soul of the salmon-trout floats over the stream / Like a little wafer of light. // The salmon moves in the sun-shot, bright shallow sea.... // As light as the shadow of the fish / that falls through the water, / She came into the large room by the stair, / Yawning a little she came with the sleep still upon her. // “I am just from bed. The sleep is still in my eyes. / “Come. I have had a long dream.” / And I: “That wood? / And two springs have passed us.” / “Not so far, no, not so far now, / There is a place — but no one else knows it — / A field in a valley... / QU’IEU SUI AVINEN, / Ñeu lo sai.” // She must speak of the time / Of Arnaut de Mareuil, I thought, “qu’ieu sui avinen.” // Light as the shadow of the fish / That falls through the pale green water.