Neuk ere, nik neuk, ezagutu nituen zerua zeharkatzen duten bideak,
Eta horregatik nire gorputza haizea da.
Bizitzaren Andreari so egin diot
Neronek ere, enarekin hegan egiten dudan honek.
Soineko ferde urdinabarra du
Haizean igerika dabil.
Neuk ere, nik neuk, ezagutu nituen zerua zeharkatzen duten bideak,
Eta horregatik nire gorputza haizea da.
Manus animam pinxit—
Luma dago nire eskuan
Hitz egokia idazteko…
Kantu garbia abesteko, nire ahoa.
Nork ote du Kumiko loto-loreko kantua
Jasoko duen ahoa?
Neuk ere, nik neuk, ezagutu nituen zerua zeharkatzen duten bideak,
Eta horregatik nire gorputza haizea da.
Eguzkian sortzen den sugarra nauzue ni,
enarekin hegan egiten dudan hau.
Nire kopetaren gainean ilargia dago,
Haizeak nire ezpainen azpian.
Perla handi bat da ilargia zafirozko uretan,
Nire atzamarretan hotz dira dabiltzan urak.
Neuk ere, nik neuk, ezagutu nituen zerua
zeharkatzen duten bideak, eta horregatik nire gorputza haizea da.
De Aegypto
I even I, am he who knoweth the roads / Through the sky, and the wind thereof is my body. // I have beheld the Lady of Life, / I, even I, who fly with the swallows. // Green and gray is her raiment, / Trailing along the wind. // I, even I, am he who knoweth the roads / Through the sky, and the wind thereof is my body. // Manus animam pinxit, / My pen is in my hand // To write the acceptable word.... / My mouth to chant the pure singing! // Who hath the mouth to receive it, / The song of the Lotus of Kumi? // I, even I, am he who knoweth the roads / Through the sky, and the wind thereof is my body. // I am flame that riseth in the sun, / I, even I, who fly with the swallows. // The moon is upon my forehead, / The winds are under my lips. // The moon is a great pearl in the waters of sapphire, / Cool to my fingers the flowing waters. // I, even I, am he who knoweth the roads / Through the sky, and the wind thereof is my body. // I will return to the halls of the flowing, / Of the truth of the children of Ashu. // I, even I, am he who knoweth the roads / Of the sky, and the wind thereof is my body.