Lagun zaharrak batik bat. — W.B.Y.
zenbait urteren buruan
Jantzi berberak zeneramatzan aldean, txukun samarrak,
Nire arrakastak ez zizun inolako atseginik eman,
Besteen aurrean amore ematen duenaren aire zahar
berbera zenuen
Eta horrekin guztiarekin nik neuk gozatuko ote nuen beldur zinen gainera, nolabait.
Te voilà, mon Bourrienne, zeu ere izango zara hilezkorra.
Beste bati
Zeuri ere esaten dizugu adio
Ematen baitu sekula ez duzula ulertu
Zure harremana arras bizkarroia dela;
Nahiz eta gure festetara ez zenuen ekarri
Ez buru argirik, ez umore onik, ezta dizipuluaren
Jokabide xalorik ere.
Baina zu, Bos amic, gordetzen zaitugu,
Zurekin benetako zorra dugulako:
Zure ageriko akatsak gorabehera,
Behin aurkitu baitzenuen jatetxe bat merke samarra.
Iste fait vir incultus,
Deo laus, quod est sepultus,
Vermes habent eius vultum
Ego autem jovialis
Gaudebo contubernalis
Cum jocunda femina.
Old friends the most. W.B.Y.
I To one, on returning certain years after.
You wore the same quite correct clothing, / You took no pleasure at all in my triumphs, / You had the same old air of condescension / Mingled with a curious fear / That I, myself, might have enjoyed them. / Te voilá, mon Bourrienne, you also shall be immortal.
II To another.
And we say good-bye to you also, / For you seem never to have discovered / That your relationship is wholly parasitic; / Yet to our feasts you bring neither / Wit, nor good spirits, nor the pleasing attitudes / Of discipleship.
But you, bos amic, we keep on, / For to you we owe a real debt: / In spite of your obvious flaws, / You once discovered a moderate chop-house.
Iste fuit vir incultus, / Deo laus, quod est sepultus, / Vermes habent eius vultum / A-a-a-a — A-men. / Ego autem jovialis / Gaudero contubernalis / Cum jocunda femina.