Hiru poetak
Candidiak maitale berria hartu du
Eta hiru poeta penatzen hasi dira.
Lehenengoak elegia luze bat idatzi dio “Chloris”i,
“Chloris aratz eta hotzari”, haren “Chloris bakarra”.
Bigarrenak emakumeen aldakortasunari
buruzko hamalaukun bat.
Eta hirugarrenak, berriz, epigrama bat idatzi dio Candidiari.
The Three Poets
Candidia has taken a new lover / And three poets are gone into mourning. / The first has written a long elegy to “Chloris,” / To “Chloris chaste and cold,” his “only Chloris.” // The second has written a sonnet / upon the mutability of woman, / And the third writes an epigram to Candidia.