Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Ezra Pound
itzulpena: Luigi Anselmi
2018, poesia
64 orrialde
Ezra Pound
Poesia kaiera
Ezra Pound
itzulpena: Luigi Anselmi
2018, poesia
64 orrialde
Erosi: 9,50
Ebook: 3,12




Gauetik heldu zinen

eta liliak zenituen eskuetan,

orain giza nahaste batetik helduko zara,

zuri buruzko berriketa zurrunbilo batetik.


Gauzarik behinenen artean ikusi zaitudanez,

Suminduegi nintzen zure izena

leku trauskiletan aipatu zutenean.

Nahi nuke olatu hotzek nire gogoa estaliko balute eta mundua lehortuko balitz orbel baten pare


edo txikori belarraren leka bat bezala haizeak eramango banindu,

zu berriro aurkitu ahal izateko




You came in out of the night / And there were flowers in your hands, / Now you will come out of a confusion of people, / Out of a turmoil of speech about you. // I who have seen you amid the primal things / Was angry when they spoke your name / In ordinary places. / I would that the cool waves might flow over my mind, / And that the world should dry as a dead leaf, // Or as a dandelion seed-pod and be swept away, / So that I might find you again, / Alone.