Zergatik dabil, bada, zaldi-aurpegiko emakume hori,
—Debeku haren adina aipatzea— Longacre-tik behera Swinburne ezin
entzunezko ahotsez bere baitarako errezitatzen?
Zergatik dabil lau hanketan narras, larru imitaziozko beroki zuri iluna
jantzirik daraman haur ttipi hori
errepide-ertzeko erreten beltzean, mahatsetako saltokiaren azpian?
Zergatik hurbildu zait Sackville Street-en emazte zinez ederra,
Nire jantzi nabarmenki zaharkituek gibelarazi gaberik.
Why does the horse-faced lady of just the unmentionable age / Walk down Longacre reciting Swinburne to herself, inaudibly? / Why does the small child in the soiled-white imitation fur coat / Crawl in the very black gutter beneath the grape stand? / Why does the really handsome young woman approach me in / Sackville Street / Undeterred by the manifest age of my trappings?