Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Ezra Pound
itzulpena: Luigi Anselmi
2018, poesia
64 orrialde
Ezra Pound
Poesia kaiera
Ezra Pound
itzulpena: Luigi Anselmi
2018, poesia
64 orrialde
Erosi: 9,50
Ebook: 3,12




Etor zaitez, bestela izarretako marea isilean joango da.

Saihets ezazu ekialderantz gainbeheraren orena,

Orain! Orain orratza dardarka ari baita nire bihotzean!


Hemen abantaila handia izan dugu, ordu ona, ordu egokia.

Hemen izan dugu gure eguna, zurea eta nirea.

Etor zaitez orain, biok garamatzan botere hau

Polo aldera biratu baino lehen.


Ez egin barrerik izarretako korronteei, zera gertatuko da.

Oi maitea, etorri orain, lur hau zitalduz doa pixkanaka.

Uhinak heldu ziren eta luze gabe alde egingo dute.


Gurea da altxorra, lehorrera dezagun lehenbailehen.

Mugi gaitezen eta balia dezagun itsasaldia bere hurrengo mesedearekin.

Bizi gaitezen

Indar neutroren baten azpian

Bide hau alde batera biratu arte.


The Needle

Come, or the stellar tide will slip away, / Eastward avoid the hour of its decline, / Now! for the needle trembles in my soul! // Here have we had our vantage, the good hour. / Here we have had our day, your day and mine. / Come now, before this power / That bears us up, shall turn against the pole. // Mock not the flood of stars, the thing’s to be. / O Love, come now, this land turns evil slowly. / The waves bore in, soon will they bear away. // The treasure is ours, make we fast land with it. / Move we and take the tide, with its next favour, / Abide / Under some neutral force / Until this course turneth aside.