Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Ezra Pound
itzulpena: Luigi Anselmi
2018, poesia
64 orrialde
Ezra Pound
Poesia kaiera
Ezra Pound
itzulpena: Luigi Anselmi
2018, poesia
64 orrialde
Erosi: 9,50
Ebook: 3,12


Neska bat


Zuhaitza ene eskuetan sartu da,

Sapa ene besoetarik igo,

Zuhaitza ene kolkoan hazi da—


Ene baitarik adaxkak zabaltzen ari, besoak bezala.


Zuhaitza zaitut,

Goroldioa zaitut,

Gainean haizea duten brioletak zaitut.

Haurra —hain zara garaia— zaitut

Eta honi guzi honi erokeria deritzo munduak.


A Girl

The tree has entered my hands, / The sap has ascended my arms, / The tree has grown in my breast — / Downward, / The branches grow out of me, like arms. // Tree you are, / Moss you are, / You are violets with wind above them. / A child — so high — you are, / And all this is folly to the world.