Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Ezra Pound
itzulpena: Luigi Anselmi
2018, poesia
64 orrialde
Ezra Pound
Poesia kaiera
Ezra Pound
itzulpena: Luigi Anselmi
2018, poesia
64 orrialde
Erosi: 9,50
Ebook: 3,12


Erat Hora


“Eskerrik asko, datorrena datorrela”. Eta gero bizkarra eman zidan

eta haizeak alde batera makurtzen dituenean,

zintzilik dauden loreen gainean eguzki izpia aienatzen den bezala,

urrundu zen nigandik fite. Hala ere, datorrena datorrela,

eguzki ordu bat egon zen eta jainko gorenek ere

ez lukete harro egoteko deus hoberik izango

ordu hori igarotzen ikusi izana baino.


Erat Hora

“Thank you, whatever comes.” And then she turned / And, as the ray of sun on hanging flowers / Fades when the wind hath lifted them aside, / Went swiftly from me. Nay, whatever comes / One hour was sunlit and the most high gods / May not make boast of any better thing / Than to have watched that hour as it passed.