Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Dylan Thomas
itzulpena: Iker Alvarez
2017, poesia
64 orrialde
Dylan Thomas


Gizonak baino ez ginela


Gizonak baino ez ginela, zuhaitzetara sartu ginen

Beldurrez, gure silabak samurtzen

Beleak esnatzeko beldurrez,

Hego eta karrankaz beteriko munduan

Isilik sartzeko beldurra.


Umeak bagina zuhaitzetan igo gintezke,

Lotan harrapatu beleak, adaxkarik hautsi ez

Eta, eskalatze samurraren ondotik,

Gure buruak atera adaburuen gainetik

Izar betierekoez liluratzera.


Nahasmen hutsetik, hura baita bidea,

Eta miraria, gizonak baitaki

Kaosetik datorkigula zorion betea.


Eta, esan genuen, hori da ederra,

Umeen lilura izarrei beha,

Hori da amaiera zein xedea.


Gizonak baino ez ginela, zuhaitzetara sartu ginen.


Being but men

Being but men, we walked into the trees / Being but men, we walked into the trees / Afraid, letting our syllables be soft / For fear of waking the rooks, / For fear of coming / Noiselessly into a world of wings and cries. // If we were children we might climb, / Catch the rooks sleeping, and break no twig, / And, after the soft ascent, / Thrust out our heads above the branches / To wonder at the unfailing stars. // Out of confusion, as the way is, / And the wonder that man knows, / Out of the chaos would come bliss. // That, then, is loveliness, we said, / Children in wonder watching the stars, / Is the aim and the end. // Being but men, we walked into the trees.