Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Dylan Thomas
itzulpena: Iker Alvarez
2017, poesia
64 orrialde
Dylan Thomas


Hogeita lau urte


Hogeita lau urte oroitzeko gai dira nire malkoak.

(Lurpera daitezen hilak, hobian erditzera joan daitezen beldurrez.)

Ate naturalaren hankartean jostunak bezala makurtu nintzen,

Bidaia baterako hil-jantzi bat josten

Eguzki haragijalearen argitan.

Hiltzeko jantzita, hasi zen mugitze sentsuala,

Diruz gainezka nire bena gorriak,

Auzo oinarrizkoaren azken norabidean

Aurrera noa betiak iraun artean.


Twenty-four years

Twenty-four years remind the tears of my eyes. / (Bury the dead for fear that they walk to the grave in labour.) / In the groin of the natural doorway I crouched like a tailor / Sewing a shroud for a journey / By the light of the meat-eating sun. / Dressed to die, the sensual strut begun, / With my red veins full of money, / In the final direction of the elementary town / I advance for as long as forever is.