Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Adrienne Rich
itzulpena: Maialen Berasategi
2017, poesia
64 orrialde
Adrienne Rich


1968ko azaroa



aske flotatzen hasia zara

basoko suteen eta errauste-planten

ketan gora

ez zaituzte geldituko adar hostogabeek

ez radarren antenek

Zu zara udazkenak gertatzekoa zela bazekien hori

kolore primarioaren

azken kolapsoaren ostean

behin azken absolutuak birrindu zirenean

hasi ahal izan zinen


Nola zabaldu zinen kolpean, zerk bildu zaituen

orain arte

horretaz ez dakit ezertxo ere

liluragarri zait zutaz ez dakidana

orain, hortxe ikusten zaitudala

zeure burua ematen hasita



November 1968

Stripped / you're beginning to float free / up through the smoke of brushfires / and incinerators / the unleafed branches won't hold you / nor the radar aerials // You're what the autumn knew would happen / after the last collapse / of primary color / once the last absolutes were torn to pieces / you could begin // How you broke open, what sheathed you / until this moment / I know nothing about it / my ignorance of you amazes me / now that I watch you / starting to give yourself away / to the wind