Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Christopher Okigbo
itzulpena: Karmen Irizar Segurola
2021, poesia
64 orrialde
Christopher Okigbo


Altorentzat eresia


haizea aztarrika dezake adarrak orain eta uluka agurtu…


Arranoak bistatu daitezke orain:

Itzalak ortzi mugan,


hemen dira lapurrak bat-bateko urrats beltz eta tanke-gurpilak erauntsian.


berriro etorri dira arranoak,

Arrano jasa geure gainean


itzuli dira politikariak obus eta detonagailuen ezkutuko urrats handigaitzez


gugana jaitsi dira arranoak

Baionetak eta kanoiak


gugana jaitsi dira lapurrak gure algara, gure ostotsa ebasteko


aukeratu dute jokoa arranoek,

Eraman dituzte gure ohaideak


hemen dira politikariak generadoreen, morteroen burdinazko dantza honetan


bat-batean han dira arranoak,

Burdinazko egunsentiaren izar berriak;


Eman bide adarrari haizea aztarrika dezan eta uluka agurtu…


Oi Ama-Lurra, jaregin iezadazu, izan bedi hau nire azken testamentua, izan bedi hau

Ahariak ezpatari dion desira ezkutua ezpatak zorroari egiten dion otoitz gordea


itzuli dira lapurrak detonagailuen urrats beltz ezkutuez


sirena durundaz bete arratsaldeetatik harago, auto-ilaretatik harago;

Ahots, egun eta autobide zaratatsuetatik harago, gure aire disonanteen

Soraiotasunetik harago; gure begi-globo errezeletan zehar, gure leihate osteko loan,

Atzendutako geure ni-etara, geure irudi hautsietara; barrikadetatik harago

Aginduak eta ediktuak, burdinazko mahaietatik harago elefantearen egonarri

Gogoangarritik harago, profanatu ezin den bere brontzezko

Soin-enborretik harago, gainbehera datozen dorreetatik harago


usu zapaldutako zidorraren ondoko burdina xendatik harago


begi-kliska bakarreko ametsa, su gozoan etzanda leize batean,

Min hilgarriz zauritu txorien ondoan.

Lurra, jaregin iezadazu, emadazu etxekalte izateko bide, izan bedi hau

Ahariak uhalari egindako azken otoitza…


izar zahar bat abiatu da, hemen utzi gaitu, lehorrean

Zeru-behaka izar berri bat noiz hurbilduko;

Agertu da izar berria, badoala iragarri du

Betirako joan-etorria baino lehen…


Elegy for Alto

And the horn may now paw the air howling goodbye ... // For the Eagles are now in sight: / Shadows in the horizon —

The robbers are here in black sudden steps of showers, of caterpillars —

The eagles have come again, / The eagles rain down on us —

Politicians are back in giant hidden steps of howitzers, of detonators —

The eagles descend on us, / Bayonets and cannons —

The robbers descend on us to strip us of our laughter, of our thunder —

The eagles have chosen their game, / Taken our concubines —

Politicians are here in this iron dance of mortars, of generators —

The eagles are suddenly there, / New stars of iron dawn; // So let the horn paw the air howling goodbye ... // O mother mother Earth, unbind me; let this be my last testament; let this be / The ram’s hidden wish to the sword the sword’s secret prayer to the scabbard —

The robbers are back in black hidden steps of detonators —

For beyond the blare of sirened afternoons, beyond the motorcades; / Beyond the voices and days, the echoing highways; beyond the latescence / Of our dissonant airs; through our curtained eyeballs, through our shuttered sleep, / Onto our forgotten selves, onto our broken images; beyond the barricades / Commandments and edicts, beyond the iron tables, beyond the elephant’s / Legendary patience, beyond his inviolable bronze bust; beyond our crumbling towers —

Beyond the iron path careering along the same beaten track —

The glimpse of a dream lies smouldering in a cave, / together with the mortally wounded birds. / Earth, unbind me; let me be the prodigal; let this be / the ram’s ultimate prayer to the tether ...

An old star departs, leaves us here on the shore / Gazing heavenward for a new star approaching; / The new star appears, 'foreshadows its going / Before a going and coming that goes on forever ...