Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Christopher Okigbo
itzulpena: Karmen Irizar Segurola
2021, poesia
64 orrialde
Christopher Okigbo







Haragia mamu harri etzanean

neu nintzen nire sorterriratzearen lekuko bakar…


Argi bareak beste balkoian:

iturri gogoangarriak ikurrez gainezka,


Zer ezkutatzen ote du nire jainkozko bozkarioak?

Katilu bat intsentsu, ipurtargi habia?


Neu nintzen nire sorterriratzearen lekuko bakar…


Ganbera zuriaren infloreszentzian

ahots bat, urrun-handitik

lurraren urtebetetzea abesten, ganbera lagun hartuta,

arraunean eraman ninduen etxera

labirinto ilunean zehar, algaratik ametseraino.


Meatzaria nire bakardadean

amets-ahotsa gorpuztua

zure jarraitzaile itsuen artean buru naizela

joango zara

berriro inurritegira…


Neu nintzen nire sorterriratzearen lekuko bakar…





Herio segadan iluntze hartan uharte hartan;

ahotsa oihartzun bila iluntze hartan uharte hartan.


Begiak galdu du argia,

argiak galdu du itzala.


Haizeak, orbelaren betiereko maiteminduak

igerilari trebeenari luzatu zizkion lotailuak…


Haragi edo hezur bako gaua zen;

ipuinetako zilarrezko ezkila gabeko iluntzea;

kriseilurik bakoa, banderatxo bako iluntzea;

adin edo oroimen bako iluntzea zen


hain kontu arruntez ari gara hizketan,

hain gertakari handien atarian…


Ganbera zuriko akara hormatuetan

piztia-kolorea galdutako begiek,

izpi goriko begien txikizioak,

josi ninduten hotz harri-urdinezko ohatilara.


begiek odola galdu arte

odolak usaina galdu arte.


leiho laukizuzeneko su betierekoak

ahantzi zuen airearen muineko errauts usaina:


larritasuna eta bakardadea…

isilarazia, nire oihu

sakabanatua, dantzariak

euren lakioan

harrapatuta, musuak,

gatibu hartuta eskuak;

odolez gorrizten diren



eta haien guztien atzean,

kotoi zuriko atorra soinean,

Herio andrea bera,

ospakizun buru

intsentsu lainotan,

atzazalak txukuntzen…


Erauzitako fruten antzera buruak biraka haren oinetan;

bere jiran erortzen ziren, otia bezain ugari, etendako soin atalak.


Ihartzen utzitako egur ezpalduaren antzera,

ospakizun laguntzaileen giltzadurak pilan.


Jagoleen odoletan garbitu zituen belaunak,

laguntzaileen erraietan atorra…





Sibbolethera bideko

erromes-ilara sakabanatuan

nire eskuan gurutzea

hautsitako adarra intsentsu ontzia


Dan eta Beersheeba arteko

erromes-ilara sakabanatuan

kanforra iodoa kloroformoa

atzealdea ziztatzen dit haietako bakoitzak


Balkoiaren beste aldeko

marmol gaineko harrizko zurubian

profetak martiriak ilargi-joak

iIluntzeko pauso luzea bezala


Zabalgunean kapar-emaileak

lorategian diletanteak

saltzaileak printzeak negritudea

politikariak baso tantaitsuan…






alabastro gogorreko

hiruki formako ateburua

lauki batean hertsita

zirkulu batean irarrita

erdigunea hutsa duela,

arkupearen goialdean

leihaterik gabe aho-zabalka

matxarda zerutiarrak bezala

begitarte zabala bezala:


     harri-urdinezko arkupean zehar

     argi-koroa iheskorraren

     atzera-aurrera katatonikorantz

     egiteko era bakarra…


Eta arkupearen beste aldean

Mendekosteko astroak bezala

estalki dirdaitsuz egindako

gurutze alimalekoa

dirdiratsu urrun

hutsarte ukiezinean:


     gu taxutu ondoren

     taxuak soilik zeuden taxututa orduan

     eta taxu guztiak

     gu taxutu ondoren taxutu ziren…





Apatxak joka sendo lanean

urrats bakoitza mandoak amildegian egiten duen urratsa da

arkupea obaloa xafla laukizuzena

lurraren sabel urtuko santutegi horretara

hobiratze arrosaren barnean ehundutako musikaz

tuneleko ura haren algara pindartsua

mahatsaren edo trailaren algara gardena

galdera tinta-ontzian erantzuna monokuluan

erantzun zaileko itauna tabernakuluaren isilean.


Intsentsu ontziak izenik bako

erlijio baten sehaskatik:


intziri bakoitza denboraren baretasuna da, amildegian…


Opalkuntza harro batez

ernaldu eta zigilatua,


isiltasunaren anaiak eta harkaitz alderraiak;


txotxongiloaren zamaz

Harri urtuaren gainean,


musuaren eta bi ezpataren orbana.


Apatxak sendo lanean

amildegi egonkortuan:


laztanaren baretasuna da intziri bakoitza…





Aroa aroa

baso tantaia zabalgunea

aroa aroa

harrizko zurubia mailak ametsa…


Zatoz nire leizera,

Astin ezazu buruko lizuna;

Utz iezaiozu entzuten belarrari:

Hoska ari da nire ahoa leize-zulotik…


Adi, joanean doan odol berbera da…


Itzalak distantziak labirintoak indarkeriak,

nire izate sentiberaren

laukizuzen eskeletikoa, onartu zaitut

arrotzarena den nire aho zulatuan: esanahiz gabetua,

urik gabeko harriak


antzematen dio oraindik ahuntzak bere bazkari,

lehoinabarra bere zidorrean,


Odol berbera baita,

zulo berberetan zehar,

adar berberak

txirikordatuta dardarka,

eta aurpegi berberak



Arnasa berbera da, likidoa, meza-mutilik gabea,

harrizko gainazaletan perretxiko ikusezinak bezala.


Zedarritutako une soil larri honetan

ahots bera, gogaikarria, jainkosak liluratuta.


ase-ezina, horia, etxerantz ilunkeran

gainbehera datozen etxeen gaineko otsoaren ulua bezala.


ametsa biluzten du,

erraiak soildu;


eta korridore handigaitzeko laranjondo sailean

hankak garbitzen ditut zure buru aratzean, oi mirabea,


zure ur-ertz sukartsu, bakartietan nabil,


nire algara ustelduaren akara bila nabil

zure hortz nabarretan:


danborretik jan dut

zinbaletik edan dut


zure ezkontza ganberan

sartu naiz eta hara!


neu naiz nire sorterriratzearen lekuko bakar.




From flesh into phantom on the horizontal stone / I was the sole witness to my homecoming ... // Serene lights on the other balcony: / redolent fountains bristling with signs — // But what does my divine rejoicing hold? / A bowl of incense, a nest of fireflies? // I was the sole witness to my homecoming ... // For in the inflorescence of the white / chamber, a voice, from very far away, / chanted, and the chamber descanted, the birthday of earth, / paddled me home through some dark / labyrinth, from laughter to the dream. // Miner into my solitude, / incarnate voice of the dream, / you will go, / with me as your chief acolyte, / again into the anti-hill ... // I was the sole witness to my homecoming ...


Death lay in ambush that evening in that island; / yoice sought its echo that evening in that island. // And the eye lost its light, / the light lost its shadow. // For the wind, eternal suitor of dead leaves, / unrolled his bandages to the finest swimmer ... // It was an evening without flesh or skeleton; / an evening with no silver bells to its tale; / without lanterns, an evening without buntings; / and it was an evening without age or memory — // for we are talking of such commonplaces, / and on the brink of such great events ... // And in the freezing tuberoses of the white / chamber, eyes that had lost their animal / colour, havoc of eyes of incandescent rays, / pinned me, cold, to the marble stretcher, // until my eyes lost their blood / and the blood lost its odour, // and the everlasting fire from the oblong window / forgot the taste of ash in the air’s marrow: // anguish and solitude ... / Smothered, my scattered / cry, the dancers, / lost among their own / snares; the faces, / the hands held captive; / the interspaces / reddening with blood; // and behind them all, / in smock of white cotton, / Death herself, / the chief celebrant, / in a cloud of incense, / paring her fingernails ... // At her feet rolled their heads like cut fruits; / about her fell / their severed members, numerous as locusts. // Like split wood left to dry, the dismembered / joints of the ministrants piled high. // She bathed her knees in the blood of attendants; / her smock in entrails of ministrants ...


In the scattered line of pilgrims / bound for Shibboleth / in my hand the crucifix / the torn branch the censer // In the scattered line of pilgrims / from Dan to Beersheeba / camphoTiodine chloroform / either sting me in the bum. // On the stone steps on the marble / beyond the balcony / prophets martyrs lunatics / like the long stride of the evening // At the clearing dantini / in the garden dillettanti; / vendors princes negritude / politicians in the tall wood ...


And at the archway / a triangular lintel / of solid alabaster / enclosed in a square / inscribed in a circle / with a hollow centre, / above the archway / yawning shutterless / like celestial pincers / like a vast countenance: // the only way to go // through the marble archway // to the catatonic pingpong // of the evanescent halo ... // And beyond the archway / like pentecostal orbs / resplendent far distant / in the intangible void^ / an immense crucifix / of phosphorescent mantles: // after we had formed / then only the forms were formed // and all the forms / were formed after our forming ...


Sweat over hoof in ascending gestures — / each step is the step of the mule in the abyss — / the archway the oval the panel oblong / to that sanctuary at the earth’s molten bowel / for the music woven into the funerary rose / the water in the tunnel its effervescent laughter / the open laughter of the grape or vine / the question in the inkwell the answer on the monocle / the unanswerable question in the tabernacle’s silence — // Censers, from the cradle, / of a nameless religion: // each sigh is time’s stillness, in the abyss ... // Mated and sealed / in a proud oblation, // brothers to silence and the wandering rocks; // with the burden of the pawn, / on the molten stone, // and the scar of the kiss and of the two swords. // Sweat over hoof / in the settled abyss: // each sigh is the stillness of the kiss ...


The season the season / the tall wood the clearing / the season the season / the stone steps the dream ... // Come into my cavern, / Shake the mildew from your hair; / Let your ear listen: / My mouth calls from a cavern ... // Lo, it is the same blood that flows ... // Shadows distances labyrinths violences, / Skeletal oblong / of my sentient being, I receive you / in my perforated / mouth of a stranger: empty of meaning, / stones without juice — // the goat still knows its fodder, / the leopards on its trail — // For it is the same blood, / through the same orifices, / the same branches / trembling intertwined, / and the same faces / in the interspaces. // And it is the same breath, liquid, without acolyte / like invisible mushrooms on stone surfaces. // And at this chaste instant of delineated anguish, / the same voice, importunate, aglow with the goddess — // unquenchable, yellow, darkening homeward / like a cry of wolf above crumbling houses — // strips the dream naked, / bares the entrails; // and in the orangery of immense corridors, / I wash my feet in your pure head, O maid, // and walk along your feverish, solitary shores, // seeking, among your variegated teeth, / the tuberose of my putrescent laughter: // I have fed out of the drum / I have drunk out of the cymbal // I have entered your bridal / chamber; and lo, // I am the sole witness to my homecoming.