Zutoinak pinuzko
mailak lizarrezko
mailen bitarteetan
hilabetetako belarra zanpaturik
zaldi-zela bat bezain gogor
Zurubiaren oinetan
sabela puzturik
ogi-ore harrotu gris baten gisan
ardi hil bat
hankak airean dauzkala
sukaldeko aulki batekoak
bezain hanka meheak
atzo galdu zen
alpapa gehiegi jan
eta barruan hartzitzean
urdaila lehertu zitzaion
lehenbiziko elurra ari du
beraren artile hitsaren gainean
ilundian landasagu batek
jaten dio belarria lurrean
egunsentian bi belek
nolanahika mokokatzen dizkiote
zabalik dauzka begi izoztuak
Zurubi bakoitzak
burtzoroa du
goieneko mailan
haziak loratu dira
munduko koloreetan
eta bi mitxirrika zuri
eskusoinu baten notak bezalakoak
elkarri segika
igotzen dira zeru urdinera
Zurubiaren buruaren gainetik urrun
hego zuriok urdindu
eta aienatzen dira
hilak bezala
Zurubi honetan
bizi naiz
gora eta
The uprights are pine / the rungs are ash / between each rung / the grass of months is pressed / hard as a saddle // At the foot of the ladder / on her back / belly distended / like a grey risen loaf / a dead ewe / legs in the air / thin as the legs / of a kitchen chair / she strayed yesterday / ate too much lucerne / which fermenting / burst her stomach / the first snow / falls on her grey wool / a vole in the dark / systematically / eats the ear on the ground / at daybreak two crows / haphazardly peck / the gums of the teeth / her frosted eyes are open / Every ladder / is lightheaded / on the topmost rung / the seeds have flowered / into the colours of the world / and two butterflies white / like the notes of an accordion / pursuing / touching / parting / climb the blue sky / Far above the ladder’s head / instantaneously / their white wings change into blue / and they disappear / like the dead / Descending / and ascending / this ladder / I live